Friday, November 26, 2010

Food For Thought Fridays

In Mark 12:30, Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."

This is the first commandment. Do we take it seriously?

As a Believer, we have had a heart transplant. We should have a different heart beating inside of us than when we were born.

Honestly, we should have a passion to pursue God more than a passion for eating.

I just don't see it. Don't get me wrong, I know it is out there. I just don't see it enough. Not in the world, not in churches, and more times than I would like to admit it, I don't see it in me.

I want it and my prayer for you is that you would have a vibrant relationship with Jesus and REFUSE to get in a rut.

I want us to surrender EVERY part of our hearts to the King and REFUSE to let the world back in.

I want God in the center of my heart.

How we line up our priorities determines how close He is to our heart beat.

How we see the world in which we live determines if we see with God vision or our own glasses.

Help us God. Let us fight to stay out of ruts. Let us stand and refuse to let the world back in. Let us pursue you with all that we are and see with your eyes. Be our center. Amen

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