Friday, December 3, 2010

Food For Thought Fridays

I was reading in Genesis about the life of Joseph and something struck me, so I thought I would share.

In Genesis 40 verses 1 and 4 it talks about Joseph's stay in prison. The way the ESV Bible reads is that he was in prison for "some time."

Have you ever been at the point where "some time" was just a long time?

When you can't get ahead at work. When you know your kids are heading down the wrong path. When prayer seems pointless and Bible study is a waste of time. When your marriage seems as if it can't get worse. When you feel like you are all alone doing battle by yourself.

Yeah, some time can be a long time.

In 40:22, Joseph's some time turned into forgotten. In fact, it was over two years.

But, God was with him. Through pain, trial, hardship, and even being forgotten, God was with him.

God turned Joseph's some time into a growing season. You just have to see it from God's perspective.

What man meant for evil, God used to save a people.

If you change your perspective, what will God do with your "some time?"

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