Friday, November 12, 2010

Food For Thought Fridays

I read an interesting encounter between Albert Einstein and one of his students the other day.

The student asked Einstein, "Professor, how many feet are in a mile?"

In response, the genius said, "I don't know." The student was absolutely stunned and thought him to be joking.

So, the student pressed him about knowing the answer. Finally, Einstein said, "I don't know. I don't trouble my mind with the trivial facts of life that I can look up in any book in 5 minutes."

Einstein was more consumed with searching out the deep things of the universe. That was his passion.

We are called to a similar passion. To know God.

Psalm 42: 2 says, "My soul thirsts for God, the living God."

Unfortunately, our appetite for the trivial things of life hinders us, gets in our way, and tries to consume us.

In fact, few of us are in danger of being consumed by our passion for the living God.

Can we say that our thirst for more and more of God is our driving passion in life?

I wish it was more of mine.

God, please ignite my heart for a greater passion for you. Make me thirst after you. Make me desire you more and more. Amen

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