Friday, September 10, 2010

Food For Thought Fridays

The Family

Psalm 135: 5-6 says, "For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps."

We took a short trip to the beach last weekend. As I was sitting on our balcony looking at the ocean, I did a quick word study on oceans. I did it with my phone - they are amazing little jokers.

I looked at about five or six verses and this one jumped off the page. I started thinking about what we think makes God great and what the psalmist thought made the Lord great.

What makes God great to you?

Sometimes, I imagine we all think God is great when things go the way we want. When God doesn't make our lives too terribly uncomfortable.

But, this is the exact opposite reason according to this verse. The Lord is great because He does what pleases Him.

And the amazing thing is this: it pleases the Lord to take care of His children.

How great is the Lord.

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