Friday, August 27, 2010

Food For Thought Fridays

I was thinking about a play I read in college called "Fences" by August Wilson.

It has been a long time since drama 16, but if i recall correctly, one of the characters says, "Some people build fences to keep people out and other people build fences to keep people in."

I was contemplating this idea and thought that the key to the fence is the gate.

That lead me to Matthew 16: 18.

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

The funny thing about gates are that they are not attacking tools. They are protective and preventative.

The only way for the gates of hell to prevail is if they are not being attacked and broken down.

We can still feel the effects. The barrier and the resistance. We still know the hindrances. But, the enemy will not win, Jesus said so.

Since we know the outcome, we should be active and tear the gates off the hinges.

Satan's throne has been destroyed and the gospel will continue to cause the gates of hell to crumble today.

As the church we have been given the authority to “tread on serpents” (Luke 10: 19) and no matter what the enemy throws at us, we will be victorious in the end.

So let's get to stompin'.

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